Brigid's Testimonials

Brigid Moynahan

Brigid has been a pioneer in advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Women’s Leadership in the US and around the Globe. She helps clients devise new and better ways to advance enlightened leadership, bring out innovation, and empower employees at every level across the matrix. Her career began helping scientists and engineers launch breakthrough teams at Bell Labs. She’s been on the frontier of inclusion ever since. Brigid’s widely recognized work has changed the game for individuals at all levels–providing them with the tools to lead from wherever they sit. Her pioneering programs on connecting beyond bias and undoing microinequities with positive action have been translated into many languages and used around the world by more than one hundred companies. These include 13 Catalyst Award winners and 24 members of Diversity Inc.’s List of Top Companies for Diversity. She thanks her clients and her Next Level Leadership team for their support and collaboration in achieving this excellence. Clients 

Executive Coaching
Leaders value Brigid’s deep experience, strategic thinking, and actionable insights. She guides them as they hone skills in handling complexity and rapid change. As a result, they define and shine their contribution, discover myriad ways to expand positive presence, care for their people and organizations, and build the networks needed for success.

NLL program creator and team trainer. Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programing; System Centered Coaching; The MIT Dialogue Project; Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry Coaching; David Rock’s NeuroLeadership Coaching; and The Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Training Video Little Things Mean A Lot: From Microinequities to Micro-Affirmations ©2008 
The Leadership Preferences Inventory © 2010
Success Circles; A Guide to Peer Mentoring ©2007
“Creating Harassment Free Zones,” Training and Development Magazine, May 1993
“Why Women Leaders Need Training of Their Own,” The Bell Labs Reader;
“Managing Issues of Resistance and Sex Stereotyping When Conducting Gender Awareness Workshops,” Conflict and Diversity, Claire Damken Brown, Charlotte Snedeker, & Beate Sykes, Editors, Hampton Press, October 1997;
“Go Ahead, Sweat The Small Stuff” (Microinequities), The Conference Board, June 2005

Powerful leaders know why they lead and act as positive catalysts for change.